JETRO Steering system

  • “handbook” for all colleagues with
    • position profiles and scope,
    • responsibilities and
    • tasks
  • software for all leaders which makes operations
    • transparent,
    • motivational and
    • creative.

The system is individually developed for each organisation to make performance on all levels effective.


  • transparent performance structure,
  • motivational, clear steering,
  • result orientated performance,
  • a steering model documentated in detail,
  • significant revenue groeth,
  • strategy can be implemented right down to the operative level,
  • structured, coordinated operation,
  • greater acceptance, of the management,
  • higher levels of cooperations between:
    • leaders/leaders
    • leaders/collaegues
    • collaegues/collaegues,
  • simpler, faster management on-boarding,
  • consistent operation.

System elements:

  • 1. Preparation:
    • 1.1. Detailed analysis of current situation
    • 1.2. Development of consistent leadership approach
  • 2. System development
    • 2.1. For every stakeholder inside organisation
      • expected deliverables
      • resources
      • key activities
      • General expectations Agreements, documentation: clear scope and responsibility for all involved
    • 2.2. Mapping of colleague’s situation, attitude, and motivation
    • 2.3. Definition and documentation of targets, resources, and activities for each role
    • 2.4. Setting up regular control
    • 2.5. Setting up coaching system
    • 2.6. Setting up regular evaluation
    • 2.7. Motivational meetings
  • 3. Documentation and IT set up To finalise the documentation and IT support requirements for the entire steering system
  • 4. Implementation:
    • 4.1. Training and practicing using the system
    • 4.2. To determine senior management governance
  • 5. Maintenance and development Annual system audit

Problems that inspired JETRO:

  • While often vision, mission and strategy are clear on a senior management level, when asked, other employees gave as many different answers as the number of times we asked the question.
  • If you buy a washing machine for a few hundred Euros, you get a detailed instruction manual. Managers are often given a 10 person team, thousands of Euros of budget and then left to find their own way. Of course, process documentation can sometimes be found somewhere deep on a C drive and detailed work descriptions under a layer of dust on top of the filing cabinet in the storage facility, but they are never up to date and don’t really model the real work of the colleagues or business.
  • The bigger an organisation, the greater extent politics and relationships outweigh real performance.
  • During 30 years of developing organisations we have been asked to help moderate and handle conflicts a countless number of times. Unfortunately superficial conflict management, without addressing the root cause will almost always lead to renewed dispute. If you want Julia (49 kg) and Alexander (110 kg) to be sworn enemies, just give them the air-conditioning remote control and set it up „however is best for them”. Unfortunately most organisations are full of conflicts like this just with much bigger business effect.
  • We can be much more successful on a personal, organisational, and sociological level if we are proactive and plan in advance. For example, it is worthwhile regularly checking that the fire extinguisher is still working rather than realising it had expired once the house has burnt down around us.

Development and use:

Today’s Jetro is the result of a long development process. In the early 90s, with a background in organisational development we trained leadership and communication behaviour in managers. As time went by, we realised that knowledge itself isn’t enough to become a successful leader. Motivation, appropriate rewards, control, and feedback systems are required too.

The first system was developed in 1993 to develop the performance of a sales organisation through structured coaching and double visits. The sales coaching system is still a part of JETRO today. In 2004, at first paper based, then Excel and SharePoint, we began to develop non sales orientated steering systems.

In order to make an even better user experience we then developed dedicated JETRO software (in cooperation with Printer Fair Plc). The result is clients can effectively steer and supervise their organisations online, without the need for specialized excel knowledge or other software.

The name JETRO:

The bible contains an ancient organisational thought: Moses 18,5

„.....The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning till evening. When his father-in-law (Jetro) saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said,… „What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone… select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. Have them serve as judges for the people at all times but have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter because they will share it with you. If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.” Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said…”

JETRO is a registered trademark. It is used across several industries and countless organisations. (Pharma, auto industry, public sector, trading, agriculture, IT, and manufacturing). The Jetro name itself has been used since 2018, until then clients used their own name for the system.